who are we

The name of the group is derived from the well-known musical term symphony, which refers to a composition for musical instruments. SingFonix refers to music of which the sound (“Fonix”) is sung (“Sing”).

Smaller mixed choirs (i.e. chamber choirs) are commonly found within the world of entertainment, but a small voice-ensemble consisting of only male voices is a much less common genre, and which fulfills a special role within the singing entertainment arena.

SingFonix is such a voice ensemble , and was established at the beginning of 2017. SingFonix offers a variety of choir music – sacred music, light classical music, contemporary music and folk music from South Africa and around the world.

The members are all involved in an own career, but is one common goal shared by the group of maximum 12 men, i.e. a calling to offer their God-given voices to the benefit of each listener. The musical message is one of love, belief, nostalgia and pleasure.

SingFonix gladly performs at musical fests, choir fests, concerts, church services, other church gatherings, retirement villages, old age homes etc. An important value to the group is outreach- and community service.

SingFonix is fortunate to be under the musical directorship of Dr Riekie van Aswegen, a seasoned and experienced choir leader who has conducted a number of well-known choirs.

Despite being based in Pretoria, SingFonix gladly travels to other cities and towns. No formal fee is charged for performances (any contributions to cover their costs and to enable them to continue servicing the community will be welcomed).